If you have not already seen the news videos on the right, please do so. This will give you some insight into the vast problem which not just the US is facing, but the world! This is a world wide problem and only getting bigger!
What is Websafety? Just watch this!
Here are the key things we will cover in this blog "Step #1"
- Join the Cause. - As an affiliate - Quick Start
- Affiliate Enrollment and Product selection.
- Become an Neighborhood Coordinator
1. Join the Cause is as easy as going to the home page here, and clicking Join the Cause. The Affiliate Enrollment form will pop up. Simply fill in with your email and initial after reviewing the terms. This is where you will become enrolled to earn commissions on personal sales and those of your team. The money potential is real, as long as you follow a few basic steps along the way.
2. Affiliate Enrollment and Product selection - The affiliate enrollment will take less the 10 minutes to complete. The cost of $49.99 will give you your own website, along with several back office sales tools and network tracking. A site like this would cost $49 per month if you have to own it on your own.
Pick your product based on your needs. I suggest the $250 option which will give you a few different selections, such as 3 home computers. If you have a larger need, select the $499 option.
It is very difficult to sell something you don't own yourself. The nice part about this opportunity, is once you invite 5 people who (DTST) your $250 package or out of pocket cost, is paid in full!
Once you have filled out the order information, simply enter your credit card details and hit submit. You will receive the WebSafety welcome email in a matter of minutes. This will provide you with your own website and back-office details. I will provide a blog on Back Office Details.
You are now on your way to starting your own Family Safety Business. Follow the pattern of 5! WebSafety wants to provide this solution to as my people as fast as possible! Follow the pattern of 5 in 30 days, and you will be well on your way! You will have covered your cost of the software and have shared this life saving messages with others. WebSafety gives each affiliate a complete set of tools, that will allow you to manage your business extremely well.
3. Becoming a Neighborhood Coordinator: This is the process of simply spreading the message, about the Solution! The DVD is a tremendous way to do just that. You are welcome to use any of the links on this blog, along with any additional content you come up with. You do not have to oversell this. The problem is very clear, and any concern parent will make the small (Averages out to less then $7 per month) investment to protect their family. Order a few of the DVD's!
Here is all you need to do!
Invite 5 people or more over to your home and setup a nice showing. You can do simple things like printing out any of the WebSafety materials in color and put them in a nice binder. They also have a great brochures, which I strongly recommend getting. The Competitive Advantage Charts are great and can be printed right from your back office. Show the DVD, it will sell the service and do the work!
Have your computer there to show a demo and show a few of the Alert Warnings. See sample alert below! This is an example of what will show up in your email and your smart phone (with html enabled)

You can even enroll them into the service right on your computer. If not, you can use the pre-printed enrollment forms and fill it in later on your computer. Do them the service of getting it done now, vs later. The moment they walk out the door without getting enrolled as a Customer or Affiliate-Customer, their family is still not protected. The dangers are too serious not to get started.
Special note. The Blog Archive on the right for December 2009 is where the beginning steps start.
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