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The video and written post within this blog can easily be move forward or back just like turning a page in a book. Within this blog are the video messages which will cover just how important this issues it that we all need to address. NBC, FOX, CNBC and others are all covering these issues.
This one 6 minute video while sum up the problem. For less then $7 per month, there is a solution! That is what this blog is about.
Visit the next page on right: Videos showing more of the real dangers.
What Happen to Reggie:
(If you have the time watch this video "WoW" How Real!)
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TV for Your PC: The Truth About Satellite Television for Your Computer

Warning! Do not sign up for a television service for your PC until you’ve read this.
So, you’re fed up with paying outrageous cable bills, and are ready to make the switch to watching TV on your computer. Before you do there is something you need to know: Not all satellite services are created equal. In fact, most television for PC services are downright terrible. With poor picture quality, outdated software, lousy customer service, and limited access to the channels you really want to see, many satellite for PC providers just aren’t worth making the switch.
That’s where Satellite Direct comes in.
Named by Interactive Media Magazine as “Unequivocally the best TV to PC software on the net”, Satellite Direct is your best bet when it comes to watching television from the comfort of your home computer or laptop. Forget subscriptions or monthly fees… Satellite Direct brings you unlimited access to over 3,500 channels- including premium movie channels and all of the best sports stations. Additionally, with Satellite Direct, you also get dozens of hard to find international channels. And you never have to worry about bandwidth signals or poor picture or sound quality. It’s like having the best of cable or satellite television- without ever having to pay the outrageous monthly bills again!
In fact, a lifetime of Satellite Direct costs about half of what you would pay for just one month of comparable service from your current cable or satellite provider. Why pay over $100 a month for cable? For a one time price of just $49.95, you can have 24/7 access to thousands of channels- with no hidden fees, ever. Get Started!
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Ordering is safe and secure, and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You have nothing to lose- except your monthly cable bill. Get Started Today, man is it COOL!
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Google Revenues $5.5bn for last Quarter But Adwords PPC Down 15%
Google released their results for the past quarter, 2nd quarter results show a staggering $5.5bn which was 3% growth from Q2 2008.
The revenues from the business are split as follows:
Google Owned Sites- Businesses which Google has purchased, such as Youtube, generated $3.65bn, up 3%.
Revenues From Google Network
So Called partner sites using Google Adsense programs generated $1.68bn 31% of all revenues.
Non Domestic- All non-US revenues were at $2.91bn up 1%. UK generated $715m, down 1%.
More concerning is that PPC revenues are down by 15% mirroring the trend throughout the industry.
Google employed 19,786 full-time employees as of June 30, 2009, down from 20,164 full-time employees as of March 31, 2009
Mobile Search predictions for 2010
Mobile Search predictions for 2010
Mobile Internet search will reach 7 per cent of all Internet searches by the end of 2010. There are now over five times more mobile users than PC/desktop users in the world, and so 2010 WILL be seen as the tipping point for mobile searches.
Google’s push into the mobile phone industry will see them take a small market share from the iPhone, however, Google does not yet have the traction or application base make a major dent in the market.
iPhone applications downloads will increase by over 70 per cent next year. There was a 1,000 per cent rise in downloads on Christmas Day alone!